Photos part 3: Managing & Sharing your Photos - 7/28/23
You've got some great photos... in fact, maybe you have too many photos! What do you do with them? This is a class for everyone who's felt like they never see their photos after they take them, and how to really enjoy your photos by sharing them with friends and family.
Please note: while we hope you'll join us for all three classes, these Photo classes can be taken as a standalone. Attendance at the other two classes is not required.
You've got some great photos... in fact, maybe you have too many photos! What do you do with them? This is a class for everyone who's felt like they never see their photos after they take them, and how to really enjoy your photos by sharing them with friends and family.
Please note: while we hope you'll join us for all three classes, these Photo classes can be taken as a standalone. Attendance at the other two classes is not required.
You've got some great photos... in fact, maybe you have too many photos! What do you do with them? This is a class for everyone who's felt like they never see their photos after they take them, and how to really enjoy your photos by sharing them with friends and family.
Please note: while we hope you'll join us for all three classes, these Photo classes can be taken as a standalone. Attendance at the other two classes is not required.