Photos, Part 2: Editing Your Photos - 7/21/23
Within the Photos apps on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad is a suite of editing tools to take your photos to the next level. And they can be surprisingly straightforward to use!
Please note: while we hope you'll join us for all three classes, these Photo classes can be taken as a standalone. Attendance at the other two classes is not required.
Within the Photos apps on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad is a suite of editing tools to take your photos to the next level. And they can be surprisingly straightforward to use!
Please note: while we hope you'll join us for all three classes, these Photo classes can be taken as a standalone. Attendance at the other two classes is not required.
Within the Photos apps on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad is a suite of editing tools to take your photos to the next level. And they can be surprisingly straightforward to use!
Please note: while we hope you'll join us for all three classes, these Photo classes can be taken as a standalone. Attendance at the other two classes is not required.